Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ectoplasm: Psychic Phenomenon or Parlour Trick?

Ectoplasm comes from the Greek ektos, meaning 'outside', and plasma, meaning 'something formed or molded'. The term was coined by Charles Richet to denote a substance or spiritual energy 'exteriorized' by physical mediums. It's said to be associated with the formation of spirits; however since World War II reports of ectoplasmic phenomena have declined and many psychical researchers are doubtful genuine cases ever existed in the first place.

 Ectoplasm is said to be formed by physical mediums when in a trance state, and is excreted as a gauze-like substance from orifices on the medium's body. Spiritual entities are said to drape this substance over their nonphysical body, enabling them to interact in the physical/'real' universe. According to mediums, the ectoplasm can not occur in well-lit conditions as the ectoplasmic substance would disintegrate.
 Arthur Conan Doyle described ectoplasm as 'a viscous, gelatinous substance which appeared to differ from every known form of matter in that it could solidify and be used for material purposes'.

The psychical researcher Gustave Geley wrote: "[Ectoplasm] exudes specially from the natural orifices and the extremities: from the top of the head, the nipples and the ends of the fingers . . . though it is the most easily observed from the mouth. It has varying attributes; sometimes (and most characteristically), it appears as a plastic paste, a true protoplasmic mass. Sometimes it appears as a number of fine threads, sometimes as strings of different thickness in narrow/rigid lines, sometimes as a wide band, sometimes as a fine tissue of ill-defined and irregular shape. The substance is essentially amorphous, or rather, polymorphous.

    Of it's quantity, Geley said this was also very variable, sometimes very little appeared and at other times it seemed to cover the medium completely, like a cloak.  It's color most frequently appeared to be white, but was occasionally black or gray.

    “Sometimes it evolves slowly, rising and falling, and moving over the medium’s shoulders, breast and/or lap with a crawling, reptilian movement. Sometimes its motion is abrupt and rapid, it appears and disappears like a flash.  It's extremely sensitive, and its sensitivity is closely connected with that of the hyperaesthetised medium. The substance is sensitive to light rays; light (especially if sudden and unexpected) produces a painful start in the medium. However, in some cases the substance can stand even full light. The magnesium flashlight (flash camera) causes a violent start in the medium . . . it shrinks from all contact and is always ready to be reabsorbed."

 Although the term is widespread in popular culture, the physical existence of ectoplasm is not accepted by science. Alleged examples of ectoplasm, when tested, have been found to be various non-paranormal substances. Other researchers have duplicated (with non-supernatural materials) the photographic effects sometimes said to prove the existence of ectoplasm.

The idea of ectoplasm was merged into the theory of an 'ectenic force' by some early psychical researchers who were seeking a physical explanation for reports of psychokinesis in séances. Its existence was initially hypothesized by Count Agenor de Gasparin, to explain the phenomena of table turning and tapping during séances. Ectenic force was named by de Gasparin's colleague M. Thury, a professor of Natural History at the Academy of Geneva. 

Between them, de Gasparin and Thury conducted a number of experiments in ectenic force, and claimed they had made some success. However, their work was not verified.
 Other psychical researchers who studied mediumship speculated that within the human body an unidentified fluid termed the 'psychode', 'psychic force' or 'ecteneic force' existed and was capable of being released to influence matter. This view was held by Camille Flammarion and William Crookes, however a later psychical researcher Hereward Carrington pointed out that the fluid was hypothetical and has never been discovered.

The psychical investigator W. J. Crawford claimed that a fluid substance was responsible for the levitation of objects. After witnessing a number of medium Kathleen Goligher's séances, Crawford claimed to have obtained flashlight photographs of the substance, which he later described as 'plasma'. He claimed the substance was not visible to the naked eye but can be felt by the body.
 Goligher, photographed by Crawford.

But Dr. Edmund Fournier d'Albe later investigated Goligher at many sittings and arrived at conclusions opposite to those of Crawford. According to D'Albe, no paranormal phenomena such as levitation had occurred with Goligher, in addition he stated that he had found evidence of fraud. D'Albe claimed that the substance in Crawford's photographs was nothing more than ordinary muslin fabric.
 On many - if not most - occasions, ectoplasm has been proven to be based on fraud. John Ryan Haule wrote: Because ectoplasm was believed to be susceptible to destruction by light, the possibility that ectoplasm might appear became a reason for making sure that Victorian séances took place in almost total darkness. As such, poor lighting conditions also became an opportunity for fraud, particularly as faux ectoplasm was easy to make with a mixture of soap, gelatin and egg whites, or perhaps merely well-placed muslin.

 Helen Duncan's 'ectoplasm'. Whoa, this shit is fake?!?! I never would have guessed.

Psychical researcher Harry Price exposed medium Helen Duncan's fraud by proving, through analysis of a sample of ectoplasm produced by Duncan, that it was just cheesecloth that she had swallowed and regurgitated. Duncan would also use dolls' heads and masks as ectoplasm. 

Eva Carrière's spirit collage channeling 'work'.

The ectoplasm of 'medium' Eva Carrière  was made of cut-out faces from newspapers and magazines on which fold marks were sometimes visible in photographs.
Apparently that thing on the table was supposed to be a hand?

Mina Crandon was a medium in the 1920s known for producing ectoplasm during her séance sittings. Apparently she could produce a small ectoplasmic hand from her stomach which would wave about in the darkness. Her career ended when biologists who examined the 'hand' realized it was carved out of animal liver.

This ectoplasm photograph taken by Thomas Hamilton was nothing more than tissue paper and magazine cut-outs.

As much as I'd love to believe, I think it's pretty safe to say ectoplasm is bullshit. But here's something funny:

I suffer from the same kind of kneecaps, which I've always referred to as 'the baby faces'. If only they could be blamed on spirits.

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